IBM Linking Ring Magazine to go online

Message from Tony Wilson
IBM International President 2004-2005

At the IBM Mid Year Board Meeting held in Reno Nevada on Saturday January 8th 2005 it was decided to action the publication (read only) of the IBM Journal, the "Linking Ring" on internet each month in its entirety within a few days of its publication.

This benefit will, of course, only be available to IBM members who are in good standing (ie financial) and subject to password control and to a nominated computer that will need to be registered with our webmaster/security control.

This will take several weeks to action and members will be advised of the procedures to follow to access this "value added" benefit of membership.

The "Linking Ring" will continue to be published every month and posted to the 13,000 members in 73 countries and the read only availability will be of immense value for members while they await their printed copies.

Advertisers will also benefit from earlier sales for newly released items.

For those subscribers of Magic New Zealand e-zine who are not IBM members and wish to find out more about the IBM on line (and possibly join!) go to:

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Magic New Zealand e-zine is published weekly, on Sunday.

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Magic New Zealand welcomes readers to submit timely articles or news items which appear to be of interest to our readers. Those submitting to this e-zine agree that we have permission to publish their submissions and that they have the full copyright to the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand are fully protected by international copyright as provided by law, and articles cannot be published for profit by anyone other than the individual author without the written permission of Magic New Zealand.

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© Copyright 2005 Alan Watson

Magic New Zealand