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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment
* www.magicnewzealand.com
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Issue Number: #974
Date: Sunday 16th December 2012
Editor: Alan Watson
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news

1. Editor's Message
2. EMC 2012 DVDs Are Ready!
3. Update On Wayne Houchin
4. Wayne Houchin, Chico Magician, Is Back Home
5. Remarkable Magic #59 - Nick Lewin
6. Signing Autographs - #283 - Kyle Peron
7. In Conversation with Pat Fallon - #13
8. The Dutch Festival Of Magic 2013
9. New Book On Playing Cards Autographed By Magicians
10. Magi At The Beach 2013
11. No Losers In Washington 2013
12. Magicians Living In Harbor Tasmania
13. 2013 New Zealand Lectures - Diary Now
14. Magic New Zealand App
15. e-zine Archives
16. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

1. Editor's Message
This year is drawing to a close very quickly now and I would like to take this opportunity to thank our regular and very popular columnists Nick Lewin, Kyle Peron and Tony Brook for their support over the last twelve months.

For those who would like to read Magic New Zealand in a HTML format go to:

Remember if you have any magic news drop me a line:

2. EMC 2012 DVDs Are Ready!
Message by The EMC Team

The DVDs are here!

The DVDs are ready. Now you can relive EMC2012. 8 DVDs, 16 hours of magic, packed with bonus materials. If you registered for EMC 2012 you will receive the DVDs as part of your subscription. The DVD box set will be sent to you completely free of charge. It is a thank you from us to you for having the faith to register for our conference.

We need your shipping address now!
Make sure your latest mailing address is on your EMC member profile. We use your membership profile for your address details. If we don't have your full mailing address on your EMC membership profile, we cannot ship your DVDs. So please make sure it is complete.

EMC2012 was the biggest conference yet!
The first Essential Magic Conference was rated epic by its members. The second, in 2011, was pure magic! And the third succeeded beyond all our expectations. Now you can have a front row seat at magic's most innovative event and join some of the world's greatest thinkers, creators and performers in magic on this exclusive 8 DVD Box Set. 16 hours of material on 8 DVDs, filmed in high quality video over 3 days.

Every lecture and performance broadcast at EMC is included on the DVDS, together with our Discussion Panels, Q&As and bonuses. Plus interviews with Teller and Derren Brown.

Sit back and enjoy 8 DVDs packed with material featuring the most incredible
conference line-up of 2012.

3. Update On Wayne Houchin
Message by Clara Shepardson

Franklin Barazarte, TV host who set magician Wayne Houchin on fire, is now officially a fugitive of the law.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - December 5th, 2012 at 10am (AST), American magician Wayne Houchin held a press conference with his lawyers at the Renaissance Jaragua Hotel in response to Franklin Barazarte fleeing the Dominican Republic. While it's unclear how Mr. Barazarte avoided capture with an active criminal warrant out for his arrest, he managed to travel to New York city to be with his wife Adriana Azzi. As a result of ignoring serious charges, he's now officially considered a fugitive of Dominican law.

Houchin and his lawyers have asked the United States to arrest and extradite Barazarte to the Dominican Republic, to face prosecution for his crimes as well as civil litigation. Houchin and his lawyers said Barazarte's actions were completely unexpected, and consider it a criminal attack.

Last night, in an exclusive interview with Univision (New York), Franklin Barazarte surfaced from hiding to respond to allegations of attempted murder. He referred to his act of pouring flaming liquid on someone as "a blessing" which was something he'd done for a "long time in private." While he casually admits it was an "accident gone wrong," Mr. Barazarte goes on at length to explain how he feels hurt by all the "propaganda" surrounding this case, and the insinuation that he's even considered a criminal. Barazarte also discounts the gravity of Houchin's injuries by mentioning that Houchin "left the clinic the same day".

Meanwhile, Houchin is still in the Dominican Republic and recuperating slowly. Riddled with 1st and 2nd degree burns on his head, face, ears, neck and right hand, he hopes to return home to Chico, California soon.

An Iphone clip, taken by a member of the group of magicians Houchin worked with has gone viral on the Internet. It clearly shows Barazarte intentionally setting the American magician ablaze. The later part of the clip shows Houchin in shock on the ground, paralyzed with pain.

4. Wayne Houchin, Chico Magician, Is Back Home
Message by Peter Miller

Wayne Houchin, Chico magician, is back home and healing after bizarre burn
incident in Dominican Republic

By Heather Hacking - Staff Writer
Created: 12/12/2012 08:34:12 AM PST

In this picture released by American magician Wayne Houchin, Dominican TV presenter Franklin Barazarte, left, reacts as Houchin's head burns while taping "Closer To The Stars" TV program in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Monday, Nov. 26. Houchin, of Chico, California, is receiving treatment for burns after the incident where Barazarte lit his head on fire with a flammable cologne. (Associated Press)

CHICO - Magician Wayne Houchin is back in Chico with his family, recovering from shock and physical pain from a bizarre incident that sent him to the hospital with severe burns in the Dominican Republic.

The latest development is that the television guest host who applied flammable liquid to Houchin's head and then set him on fire has turned himself in to police officials. Franklin Barazarte was arrested Monday after returning from travel to the United States.

On Nov. 26, Houchin appeared on the program "Closer to the Stars" in the Dominican Republic. At the end of the interview, TV host Barazarte asked Houchin's wife to pour some liquid into his hands for a blessing. The liquid was Aqua de Florida, a flammable cologne.

Photos and the balance of the article go to:

5. Remarkable Magic #59 - Nick Lewin
Message by Nick Lewin (US)

Manning the Phone.

At this time of year there is often a flurry of private dates being booked for the holiday season, I want to write a few notes about your most important prop - your phone! Chances are that over 90% of your dates will be sold and locked in over a phone line so I want to share some basic tips that I have learned through the years.

The importance of knowing how to handle phone enquiries cannot be overstated in the professional magic world. It is not to be confused with the complementary importance of having a well designed and effective website. The website has come to replace the brochure and promotional video, in fact it is pretty much shaping up to replace the business card.

The role of the website is to show people what you do, where you have done it and what people thought about it. Very few performers are booked solely through the Internet. Generally speaking once the client is persuaded that you are the act they want to book -you then close the deal on the phone. People need to discuss their personal details and needs, they also like the non-electronic, old-fashioned human contact before signing on the dotted line.

The most important part about that phone call, to the performer, is that it allows him to get the details about the gig clear, and then use them to negotiate the fee and map out a contract. If you aren't used to doing this on a very regular basis (and even if you are) it is a darn good idea to have a little script on hand. If you have a written list of questions, then you can jot the details down for each gig as they arrive.

Using the word script is a double-edged sword in the last paragraph. It really needs to be scripted but it should never sound like a rigid format. Gary Cooper once made the statement that acting was a great way to make a living, but never get caught doing it. This is a nice parallel - have a script but never be caught delivering it!

There are certain questions that it is vital that you ask before you start to discuss money. Generally speaking your potential client will have just two questions that they want answered:

1. Are you available?
2. How much do you charge?

The way to steer the conversation in the right direction is to begin by asking the date of the potential booking. While you 'check you datebook', ask a few key questions so you can prepare for the upcoming discussion of the fee. I often say that I have a tentative booking but it might be possible to reschedule it. It never does any harm to sound 'in demand'.

Seven key questions that I initially ask include:

1. Where is the event?
2. What kind of event is it?
3. What kind of venue is it? A theatre, hotel, club, a private home, etc.
4. How many people will be attending?
5. What is your budget? This is a disarmingly direct question that sometimes gets a direct answer.
6. How did you hear about me?
7. Have you visited my website?

By the time you have answers to these questions you are in a position to make an educated estimate of the fee you wish to charge. I always make it very plain to any potential booker that there is no such thing as 'a one size fits all' fee for my services. Even a dog groomer charges different fees for their various furry clients! In a future column we can discuss negotiating and contracting.

I mentioned last week about the 'Let's Do Magic' fund and benefit for David Oliver. The show looks great, with a stellar bill and there is also an awesome online auction. I highly recommend you check out the latest details at: www.letsdomagic.org

You can check out my product line, order items and check out cool videos on my website. Bookmark it, as I have three really great new products to be released in the New Year! You can find my website at www.nicklewin.com

6. Signing Autographs - #283 - Kyle Peron
Message by Kyle Peron

I am a firm believer in getting to thank my audiences and giving them a chance to meet me after my shows. It is a great way of letting them know I appreciate them and a means in which to have kids meet an entertainer in person. It can really make an impact on them.

Whenever I bring this topic up, folks ask me if I sell my autograph. In other words am I making money off of it? I never sell my autograph at all. My feeling is that if not for the audience, I would be out of work. My audiences are everything to me.

Greeting my audiences and allowing them to get free autographs also does other important things for me. For starters, it allows the festival client/s to see crowds of people engaging me afterwards. It just simply looks good in their eyes.

Also, if I have a BOR table selling my products, this is a great way and method of getting them over to it. I have one part of the table where I am standing to meet the audience and sign autographs for the kids who want them. This leads folks over in droves to my BOR table and creates an atmosphere where they are much more willing to spend money while they are over there.

Now one method to get folks over to want an autograph is by offering them something totally for free in which you can sign for them. There are many options here. One of the easiest is to make a Magicians Assistant Certificate and give them out to any and every child.

They get the certificate form you after the show and you sign it for them right there. Not only does it give them something they want, but you get them to your BOR table and they go home with something special that also brands you and has your contact information on it. This can easily add up to more shows for you later on.

Other things you can give out for free and sign could be postcards, your own
trading cards or even free photos of you. The idea is to give something to them of value and do so freely.

As always, I encourage you the readers to let me know your thoughts. So if you have any thoughts on my articles or suggestions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me directly at magic4u02@aol.com. I would love to hear from you.

Entertainers, please visit:

7. In Conversation with Pat Fallon - #13
Message by Anthony Darkstone Brook - Europe/USA


AD: Sounds like hard work but also a lot of fun .

PF: Yes both for sure. Many British magicians turned out to see the act from Ireland and thankfully most of them seemed to like what they saw. Playing the famous City Varieties Theatre in Leeds was particularly pleasant at it was a venue I had seen regularly on television in my youth. The late Ken De Courcy was at that show along with a number of other magicians like Mike Sheppard and Bob West who were later to be instrumental in my progression into the convention area of the business in the UK. Reviews by Philip Partridge, Tony Russell and Ken De Coursy of the show in Abracadabra magazine raised my profile among magicians in the UK which led to an invitation to appear at the British Magical Championships at Blackpool in 1995.

AD: Ah yes! Never did that myself but was there to help my son the year after he won The John Hart Trophy in Reading and Derek invited him to compete in Junior stage. I could write a book about that . what was your experience like?

PF: For anyone who has never attended the British Magical Championships when it was held in the Horseshoe Show Bar, words could describe it what it was really like. The room was relatively small, dark and extremely hot when stuffed to capacity with about four hundred magicians. There were usually around twenty acts which were split into three sections, with a different MC for each one. It was a very long night for all concerned, but the audience loved it and it was a total sell out every year.

Band call was an absolute nightmare with so many acts with tons of props and hardly any room backstage to put anything. I wondered at the time how the competition was ever going to work on the night under those conditions, but it did, thanks to a really great backstage crew.

The final section of the competition was the graveyard shift as you were lucky to get on before midnight and to my prior knowledge no winners ever came from that late spot. It should not have come as a surprise to me to find that we were drawn in that section, but when I discovered that we were drawn in that final section I wanted to pack up and go home there and then.

AD: Oh yes indeed as I already mentioned I have had firsthand experience of all that you speak of when my son competed at Blackpool some 12 years ago . so did you just throw in the towel in frustration?

PF: Well yes I had, I was absolutely fed up . but over fish and chips in Harry Ramsden's, Tanya convinced me we should stay, so I agreed to give it my best shot. There had been a number of mishaps with acts during band call, but they were nothing compared to the ones that faced us for the show.

First of all the props were set by the stage crew wrong way round so everything had to be corrected before we went on. The MC introduced us by the wrong name and the sound engineer played the wrong music, not once, not twice, but three times in a row.

Having just watching seventeen acts the jaded audience had no patience for
this kind of delay and had become very restless indeed. Eventually we managed to get everything sorted out and we were introduced with the right name and right music. By this stage I was so angry that I stormed through the already fast passed acts with an energy and passion I did not know I possessed. This really worked in my favour because it woke up the audience and made judges, Ali Bongo, Alan Shaxon and Hank Moorehouse sit up and take notice.

The reward was we became the first non-British act ever to win at the British Magical Championships with first place in the general magic section. The BMC does not even come close to winning a FISM contest, but it launched Pat Fallon & Tanya on the magic circuit with appearances at conventions, society dinners and shows, not to mention the lecture network.

End of Part 13

8. The Dutch Festival Of Magic 2013
Message by Cornelis Ros
Secretariat NMU, Holland

Friday 10 May & Saturday 11 May 2013

Theatre and Convention Centre De Reehorst in Ede, Holland
The Dutch 'Open' Championships of Magic (close-up, stage and Magic For Kids;
foreigners are also invited to compete!)

Friday 10 May

Opening with the Dutch Champion of Youth Showbands 'Irene'
Lecture by world champions Soma about stage magic and Jan Logemann about
cards. Competition and dealers.

Unique Friday evening show "World's Greatest Magic Show"

Hosted by: Rob & Emiel. With World Champions Prince of Illusions (NL) and Soma (HU) and a.o. Krysti Melnik (Belarus), Huub Cooijmans (NL), Brady (NL)

Saturday 11 May. Competition, lectures, dealers, Magic For Kids
For applying as visitor or competitor: www.denmu.nl
Or contact Mr. C. Ros: festival@denmu.nl or +31-6-23901160
Organised by the Nederlandse Magische Unie (NMU), the Dutch Association of

More information on: www.denmu.nl

The Nederlandse Magische Unie: recognized platform for the art of magic since 1951 and member of the FISM.

9. New Book On Playing Cards Autographed By Magicians
Message by Michael E. Johnson

The most famous magicians living today are featured in a new book by Michael
E. Johnson, titled "Playing Cards Autographed By Magicians: A Collector's Guide" (ISBN 9780988534704).

This 82-page book, now selling for $19.99 on Amazon, provides an in-depth look at magic autographs on playing cards. More than 150 magicians are highlighted, with 192 autograph examples and 109 website links. There are special chapters on which magicians to collect, where to find them, and how to get their autographs either in-person, or by writing letters. As Johnson notes, "If you want to collect autographs, don't be a punk. Buy a ticket or buy a product. Support them, and they support you!"

Produced in full-color, "Playing Cards Autographed by Magicians" is full of photos of autographs, playing cards, playing card decks, and famous Magicians. The issue of authenticity is addressed, from a suspected forged Doug Henning autograph selling on eBay in 2012, to the fake secretarial signature that was used by Houdini a century earlier. There is also an interesting chapter on forgeries and fakes from "The Magician" television series with Bill Bixby.

Serious collectors will appreciate the price information provided, as Johnson describes actual prices realized on eBay for this type of merchandise, even dissecting the origins of his collection which sold on eBay a few years ago for a record price. There are special sections on popular Magicians like Copperfield, Angel, Blaine, Burton, Siegfried & Roy, Penn & Teller, and Jay. Everything is cross-referenced with a 414-subject index.

The book is available from Amazon, or direct from the publisher at
www.createspace.com/4036021. For more information, contact Johnson at
760-703-9661, or e-mail mjohns341@cox.net.

10. Magi At The Beach 2013
Message by Mike Heidtman (US)

Welcome to Magic at the Beach, South Carolina's Premiere Magic Convention. If you missed our 2012 event, don't miss 2013. From the lavish Welcome Reception to the incredible "Champions of Magic" show, we aim to create a one of a kind event for all magicians.

Jonathan Levit announced!

To round off our already incredible line up, we are pleased to announce Jonathan Levit. Jonathan has been performing as a magician for over 30 years. As a regular performer at the Magic Castle in Hollywood, California, Levit performs in all the showrooms, including close up, parlour, and stage performances.

Since moving to Los Angeles, California, Levit has found success in incorporating magic into his work on television and in film. As an actor playing the role of a magician, he starred in "The X-Files" (Fox) alongside Ricky Jay in the episode, "The Amazing Maleeni"; has appeared on "Masters Of Illusion" (Fox), starred in "The Huntress" (USA), and was the host and judge of "Celebracadabra" (VH1).

Two Extra Workshops for 2013

Daryl's "Hands On" Workshop and David and Dania's Quick Change Workshop will
be held on Sunday, January 20th. Sign up today at www.magicatthebeach.org for a unique opportunity to learn the real secrets from these master magicians.

Of course our whole line-up is hard to beat!

Come be a part of this unique experience and join us at Magic At the Beach 2013 being held January 17 - 19, 2013 in Myrtle Beach, SC at the Ocean Dunes

All rooms are ocean-front and are $59/night USD.

Information for the Ocean Dunes Resort & Conference Center is available on
our website or by going to:

Be sure to mention Magic At The Beach to get the special rate!

Can it get any better? I do believe it could but why wait? Registration is
limited to 250 registrants. Register early and save!

Register Today - www.MagicAtTheBeach.org
or call Broadway Magic at 843-626-8191

11. No Losers In Washington 2013
Message by George Schindler (US)

Washington, D.C. has its share of political winners and losers, but there are NO losers at the Society of American Magicians Convention! Dr Paul Critelli announces that you will be able to see and experience and learn Magic from all over the world at the S.A.M. 2013 Convention - July 3, 4, 5, 6, 2013. Washington, DC .

Some of you may be on that select committee known as The S.A.M. Contest of
Magic Performers! There are two contests: The Dr Paul Critelli Close-Up Magic Contest and The Father Cyprian Murray Stage Magic Contest. You may apply for either or both. If you would like to be considered for this event, your first step is to obtain an application packet.

To do this, email Paul : MagicPaul@aol.com with S.A.M. - Contest in the Subject line. Please make sure to include your email and your full name, regular postal address, and your phone number. If you do not have access to email, send your request to: Paul Critelli 858 Iroquois SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506.

All application packets will be made available electronically or sent out on or after January 7, 2013. Please note the following deadlines: All requests for an application packet must be in our possession by or sent on or before May 20, 2013. All applications and DVDs must be on line as instructed in the Application Packet by June 3, 2013. See http://magicsam.com/annual-convention/contest/ or full details.

I am not a politician, but I have approved this message! Thank you and Good Luck!

Paul Critelli Chairperson - Contest of Magic-- Society of American Magicians

12. Magicians Living In Harbor Tasmania
Message by Adrian Smith (South Africa)

Hi any magicians living in Harbor Tasmania or magic dealers that I can meet with or visit Magic Society .I will be visiting Australia from 10 Feb - 8 May 2013 from South Africa (Durban)

Please e mail me on magic@themagician.co.za
Website www.themagician.co.za

13. 2013 New Zealand Lectures - Diary Now
Message by Alan Watson (NZ)

Karl Koppertop with Jeff Kaylor (US) Lectures:

Auckland - Friday 11th January 2013
Wellington - Saturday 19th January
Dunedin - Monday 21st January
Palmerston North - Saturday 2nd February

Matthew Write (UK) Lectures:

Auckland - Wednesday 6th February 2013
Christchurch - Saturday 9th February

John Kaplan (Canada) Lectures:

Wellington Tuesday 12th March 2013
Auckland Thursday 14th March

Venues to be advised.

14. Magic New Zealand App
Magic New Zealand now has its very own app that can be launched on any tablet.

Go to: www.app.cat/magicnewzealand on your tablet to download the FREE Magic
New Zealand app.

15. e-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e-zine go to:
www.magicnewzealand.com click on the red button center right "Archives"

When you enter the archive the e-zines are in issue order in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)

16. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy.

You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at:

Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.

The opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine.

Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.

Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted.

Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be
of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted.

All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

© Copyright 2012 Alan Watson


Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

Our subscriber list is not made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at www.magicnewzealand.com Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday. The opinions expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine. Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions expressed therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2012 Alan Watson.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine