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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New Zealand)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Issue Number: #1464
Date: Sunday 5th August 2018
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news

1. Editor's Message
2. Vanish Magic Magazine Edition 49
3. FISM 2021 Early Bird Registration Rate Now Closed
4. The Magic Word Podcast - Andy Dallas
5. Easy Open or Closed - John Carey #11
6. Make A Difference - #494 - Kyle Peron
7. KIDabra Conference
8. Daytona Festival Of Magic Just Got Better!!!
9. The Real Magic Roadshow Is Heading To Germany
10. Magic Drawings
11. Broken Wand - Norman S. Rosen
12. Masters Of Illusion
13. E-zine Archives
14. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

1. Editor's Message

If you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in a HTML format
go to:

If you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand or
have some magic news drop me a line:

2. Vanish Magic Magazine Edition 49
Message by Paul Romhany - Editor Vanish Magazine

Our August edition features Vitaly Beckman who is currently performing his one-man show "An Evening of Wonder" off-Broadway until September. We get an exclusive interview with Vitaly about his background and how he followed his dream and passion to get his show to where it currently is.

We have some great magic routines from Louie Foxx, Chiam You Sheng, Joe Silkie and TC Tahoe.

Ben Robinson writes a wonderful tribute to Chappy Brazil with photos supplied by Charles Bach. It was 20 years ago that Chappy passed away and his legacy still lives on.

The Baffling Bra Trick - recently reared its ugly head on Social Media causing quite a stir - Jeff Christensen looks at this trick and shares his views, and there is an article called R rated magic for kids which shares the experience from a woman who had it performed on her at a young age, and the impact and embarrassment she felt.

Our young correspondent Joshua Endress shares his views on Stealing and Magic - from his point of view.

Nick Lewin gives us the inside scoop on legends of comedy - a show featuring Jeff Hobson, Larry Wilson, Michael Finney, Nick Lewin and Pop Haydn.

Jeff Hobson's final in his The Illusionists Interview Series where he sits down with An Halim and talks magic.

Corporate entertainers will want to read Jim Sisti's second in his series Corporate Shuffle.
Product Highlights include a brand new James Bond type gimmick called BLISS and an amazing effect called Isolated using a Rubik's cube.

Our new contributor Jason Ladanyne shares his first article with us on Your Character.
An all new review section with the very latest magic products.

Free to download from www.vanishmagazine.com
Or Purchase the printed copy from the magazine.

3. FISM 2021 Early Bird Registration Rate Now Closed
Message by Renee-Claude Auclair (Canada)

Pierre Hamon and I are really pleased to inform you that we have closed our early bird rate and very pleased to say we now have 1,370 registrations from all over the world.

We will keep in touch and we will share information about Québec City, the hotels, the Convention Center etc. through our newsletters and on our web site: www.fismquebec2021.com. This will begin in September 2018 so please do not hesitate to sign up on our web page.

We look forward to welcome the FISM World Championship of magic in Québec City, in 2021.

4. The Magic Word Podcast - Andy Dallas
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star

Many in the U.S. are familiar with this week's guest, Andy Dallas. He is a Past National President of the S.A.M. (2006-2007) which many of you may know. But what makes him an interesting guest on this week's podcast are three things that you may not know about him: he owns a brick and mortar magic shop that includes a large variety of costumes (in a day and age when costume shops and brick and mortar magic shops are going out of business); he was a full time escape artist in his early years, and; he collects carnival con games.

Any one of these activities would make for interesting conversation. But we squeeze it all into about one hour this week. While on the road across the U.S. working my way to Grand Rapids, Michigan for the annual I.B.M. convention a few weeks ago, I stopped by his shop in Central Illinois to record a delightful conversation.

You can watch a video chat with Andy Dallas recorded by a local television station, read the blog, see some new photos I took of Andy and the magic shop, listen to the podcast, hear reviews of three new magic products, and download the MP3 file at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/438-andy-dallas

Next week we will travel to Las Vegas to MAGIC Live! where we will be posting daily updates from the convention beginning August 6th with first day activities. Then return each day to the website (or iTunes) for what went on the previous day.

Also, be sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter through our website (sign-up form at the bottom of the page) at https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/subscribe-to-the-magic-word/ so you can keep up with what's going on each week on the podcast.

5. Easy Open or Closed - John Carey #11
Message by John Carey (UK)

The classic open prediction plot of Paul Curry is a fascinating card problem, with so many possibilities. While the following approach doesn't adhere totally to his original conditions, it has proven itself extremely effective for the public. It is impromptu and has no weird or difficult moves.

Hand out your deck for shuffling and upon return ribbon spread it face up across the table. As you comment on how well the spectator has shuffled, make a mental note of the card fifth from the face. Let's say it is the Jack of Diamonds. Turn the deck face down and execute any deceptive false cut. State that you will make a prediction. But you won't write anything down and will make it an open prediction. Call out the Jack of Diamonds as your prediction. Commence dealing cards one at a time into a face up tabled pile.

Ask your helper to use their intuitive 'sense' to say stop when they feel the time is just right. When they stop you point to the top face down card of the balance of the deck. Point to the face up tabled cards and state that they could have stopped sooner. Turn the cards in hand face up and with the cards faces necktie slightly towards you start spreading them.
Hofzinser cull the Jack of Diamonds under the spread as you lower your hands, bringing the faces into view. Only spread a few more cards as you mention that they could have stopped later. Turn the cards face down.

Hold the face down deck in left hand dealing grip as your right hand comes down to the tabled face up packet and ribbon spreads it. Then deal the top card of the packet you are holding face down and slightly upjogged on top of this packet. Turn your remaining cards face up and place them onto the right end of the ribbon spread and then spread them too. Mention that your helper had complete free will to stop anywhere on impulse. Then have the face down card turned over to reveal the Jack of Diamonds and thus conclude this mystery.

Closed: Of course, you could present this piece as a closed prediction and get a particular card set secretly to fifth from the face. Have a stranger card that matches this inside a wallet or a sealed envelope and carry out exactly the same steps as above. Everything is kept secret until the end until you reveal the card stopped at matches your prediction in the wallet or envelope.

The key with the cull is to be loose and relaxed. The presentation I've outlined justifies or rationalizes its use. Keep calm and have fun!

6. Make A Difference - #494 - Kyle Peron
Message by Kyle Peron (US)

It is amazing to be a magician. We are so privileged to get to do what we do. To get to be a part of an art form that has been around for countless years. Generations of greats before us and WE get to be a part of that legacy.

To make folks smile, laugh and be amazed is a wonderful feeling. We get to take folks on a journey where the impossible is possible and anything can happen and usually does. We should be so lucky and so grateful that we get to do this.

If it ever becomes just a job and nothing more, then that is when you walk away. There has to be passion for the art and a desire to love what you do.

We also have an amazing power that not many else have. We have a power as magicians that many wish they could own or contain. We have the power to make a difference in the life of others. That is an amazing thing and something we never should take for granted.

WE have the ability to turn a frown into a smile and tears of sadness into tears of joy. WE have that ability and how awesome is that?

Today I was reminded of that. I was reminded of just how much influence we have over folks and how we can change someone's entire outlook.

I was performing at a festival and I saw a young kid around age 6. He was sitting back with his mother and felt sadness. He had a frown on his face and several tears in his eyes. He had broken his arm severely and was in a cast and sling. The kid did not feel much like having fun hurting the way he probably was physically and emotionally.

When it came towards the end of the show, I needed a helper on stage to do something special. Without hesitation, I picked this young boy. Most looked at me and the child as he walked up on stage to greet me with his arm all in a cast.

But I did what a lot of folks forget to do. I treated him like any other kid. I did not feel sorry for him. I did not take it easy on him. I did not draw focus on his arm or what he is going through. I did not do anything more than treat him as a kid. As a cool kid helping me on stage. I treated him as my guest.

As the routine went on a transformation happened to this child and to me through him. The tears went dry. The frown stopped. A smile formed on this young boys face and laughter filled his heart. He forgot all about his arm. He forgot about feeling sorry for himself and he just had a fun time with me on stage in front of everyone.

His smile made the audience smile and his laughter filled the entire area. When the routine was done, I took a step back and let him take the bow. The applause was deafening. The crowd loved him and he loved every minute of it.

I can relate all too well to what he must have felt like before the show. I am a deaf entertainer and started losing my hearing at age 8 or so. I know what it is like to be down and to feel sad. I know what it is like to have others look at you differently or treat you as if you need extra help. I know what it feels like to just want to be happy again.

Guess what? We as magicians have the power to change this. All of us do. We just have to have the ability to go out there and do it. Take that chance to change someone's emotions or feelings. Take the chance to make a difference.

I may never know how the rest of the day went for that child. However, I, do know that for that short 10 minutes, that kid was feeling on top of the world and I (as a magician) helped cause it. Is magic real? Well in this example. YES!, yes it sometimes really can be.

I am happy to announce that my newest book, "FESTIVAL MAGIC", is, finished and is NOW available at http://www.kpmagicproducts.com ; This 112pg book is filled with the most up to date information on how anyone can work and succeed in the festival and fair markets.

As always, I encourage you the readers to let me know your thoughts. So, if you have any thoughts on my articles or suggestions or comments please feel free to e-mail me directly at magic4u02@aol.com. I would love to hear from you. Kyle

7. KIDabra Conference
Message by Mark Daniel (US)

August 22-25, 2018

Now Attend KIDabra Two ways: In Person or from wherever you are, with KIDabra LiveCast: Live and On Demand

New This Year:
With this 4th LiveCast from KIDabra and KAX, we're taking the production values up as the amazing Jay Rumple joins us as our LiveCast Director, and for the first time a 2 and occasionally 3 camera shoot to bring the action live to you!

You're There!
Attend Featured Lectures during KIDabra Live as an On-Line Attendee!

On Your Schedule, On Demand!
Watch at Your Leisure, or over and over as the events are also archived. So if you're in a different time zone, watch when you're ready.

Featuring Live Streaming of:

The Opening Ceremonies of KIDabra including for the First Time: The Welcome Show

The 24th KIDshow Auction with Gary Shelton

Barry Mitchell: Stage Eyes his 27th All New KIDabra Lecture

Steve Axtell: The Great Frizzle Chicken Adventure

Buster Balloon: Egg Bag and Beyond!!!!

The Thursday Night Special Spooky Session:
Night of the Laughing Kids hosted by Buster and Chris T.

Steve Petra: Petrafied Show and Tell

Christopher T. Magician: Unearthing Ancient Treasures

The Power of The Puppet hosted by Joe Selph

Annie Banannie: Balloon Storytelling

Scott Green: Handle Tough Audiences

The Wow Wednesday Morning Jam on Senior Shows hosted by Jim Austin and Gary Shelton

The KIDabra Dealers Show

(Note: Lectures not listed, The Saturday Night Gala and Optional ShowSkills on Wednesday,are reserved for In person attendees only, and will not be a part of the LiveCast.)

Archived for You!
Want to go back and watch again later to check notes, you will have full access for one year. Now you don't have to not miss out on the Events of KIDabra because of Work/Show Conflicts, Travel Issues, or health reasons. This incredible option establishes a wonderful way for us to connect with you when you can't be there with us physically.

Register Today for KIDabra LiveCast, Now and Until KIDabra Conference Time!

Register for In Person or Livecast at

Hotel/Travel info at
All things kidabra at kidabra.org

Also join us on the very active KIDabra International Members and Friends Group on Facebook.

8. Daytona Festival Of Magic Just Got Better!!!
Message by Harry Allen (USA)


John Ferrentino (seance and lecture) Friday performance
Joining him:
Jeff Mcbride (Master Class as well)
Joshua Jay (Teach - in as well)
Andi Gladwin
Duane Laflin
Naathan Phan
Michael Trixx
Sindy Skinless
Mickey Silver
Mark Presley
Scott Humstom
Erik Olson
Harry Allen

(Lectures-contests- stage shows- auction- close-up show)

9. The Real Magic Roadshow Is Heading To Germany
Message by Paul Richards (US)

The Real Magic Roadshow is heading to Germany for its first series of events in Europe!

The Real Magic Roadshow is a retail magic expo that gives attendees the opportunity to see and purchase astonishing magic - from the people who know these effects inside and out. Experience some of the world's best-selling magic performed live by a select group of the industry's leading creators and producers. Perhaps the most incredible part is that it only costs 10 euros to attend! Even more amazing if you pre-register NOW and you receive a 10 Euro gift card for use with any of the dealers on the day of the event. It's like getting in for FREE!

But this special gift is for pre-registered guests only, so you must register as soon as possible.

Our featured guests include: Dirk Losander, Mark Mason Chris Smith, Paul Richards, and Christian Schenk - along with a special guest dealer in each city.

Each featured creator will also be presenting a short "Pro-Tips" session in which they will share techniques and information on how to get the most from their some of their most prized creations. These are ideas and insights gleaned from countless performances and it's all included in your low-cost admission! Dates and locations include:

Berlin - Friday September 21
Leipzig - Saturday September 22
Frankfurt - Sunday September 23
Cologne - Friday September 28
Essen - Saturday September 29
Hamburg - Sunday September 30

Get full details and register now at:

10. Magic Drawings
Message by Nick Nickolas (Australia)

I just got an email from my friends Dad, Barry Ross, who did all the drawings for the book Now you see it No you don't by Bill Tarr, well he is selling off the originals and has asked if I could promote them for him through the magic community.

Your ezine magazine seems the perfect place for this. I think many magicians would be interested in collecting these brilliant drawings. He has a website up https://magicartbarryross.com

If you could put a note on your magazine that'll be great they really are fantastic original drawings!

11. Broken Wand - Norman S. Rosen
Message by Eugene Soucek (USA)

Norman S. Rosen of Fords, New Jersey, passed away on July 8, 2018. He was 86 years of age. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1949-1953 during the Korean War.

He also participated in the Atomic Bomb and first Thermonuclear Hydrogen Bomb detonation tests at Enewitok Atoll in the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean. After transfer to Philadelphia for advanced training, he met the love of his life, Phyllis, on a trip to New Jersey. Norman was President of Menlo Building Maintenance Company for many years prior to his retirement.

He was a member of Congregation Beth Mordecai, Perth Amboy, where he served as an officer and on the Board of Trustees for over fifty years. In the 1970's, Norman became a semi-professional Magician. He was a founding member of the Society of American Magicians Assembly 161 and a member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians Ring 200. Recently he was awarded the Presidential Citation from the Society of American Magicians for his over 40 years of performing, entertaining, and inspiring children (and big kids, too!) with his magic.

He performed many shows with his fellow Magicians at Lyons Veterans Hospital, RWJ Bristol Myers Squibb Children's Hospital, and at other various locations throughout New Jersey. He is survived by his wife of 66 years, Phyllis; their four children, Dr. Marc W.
(Sherry), Leslie (Dr. Jeffrey) Jacobs, Sharon Rosen, and Jill Rosen; his sister and her spouse, Elaine (Edward) Perlstein; his brother and his spouse, Jeffrey (Stephanie) Rosen; his brother-in-law and his spouse, Jerome and Theresa Neumann; as well as grandchildren Sari (Jeffrey) Kerner, Joshua (Kelly) Rosen, Philip Hratko, Nicole (Amy) Eldridge, Ariel (Jon) Siswo; great-grandson Brayden; and many nieces and nephews.

He is predeceased by his grandson, Derek Jacobs, in 2006.

12. Masters Of Illusion
Message by Steve Moyer (US)

Masters of Illusion week six of season five on the CW Network hosted by Dean Cain, the series returns Friday, August 3 with two 30-minute episodes airing back to back, starting at 8/7C.

Hollywood, CA (July 29, 2018) - Masters of Illusion, produced by Associated Television International and hosted by Dean Cain, now celebrating its fifth anniversary The CW returns for Week Six with two 30-minute Encore Presentation episodes airing back to back on Friday, August 3, 2018 at 8:00 p.m./7:00 p.m. Central.

Masters of Illusion features amazing magic performed by 42 cutting-edge illusionists, escape artists and performers displaying skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all in front of a studio audience.

This week's episodes will include:
"Masters of Illusion" - (8:00-8:30 p.m. ET)
"From The Exotic To Defying The Law of Physics" (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
Hosted by Dean Cain, "Masters of Illusion" features amazing magic performed by cutting-edge illusionists, escape artists and performers displaying skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all in front of a studio audience. Magicians featured in this episode include Ed Alonzo (Wrapped), Barry and Stuart (Vodoo Doll), Joshua Jay (Balance), Jeff McBride (Voodoo People), Murray SawChuck (Vanishing Flower). Jonathan Pendragon (Floating Piano) and Chris Randall (Hearts Restored). (Encore Presentation) (#408). Original airdate 8/4/2017.

To view performance highlights of the August 3rd Encore Presentation episode from 8:00 - 8:30 p.m., please visit: https://vimeo.com/user4830612/review/227985043/51a0dea088

"Masters of Illusion" - (8:30-9:00 p.m. ET)
"Spiked Table and Spiked Faces" (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
Hosted by Dean Cain, "Masters of Illusion" features amazing magic performed by cutting-edge illusionists, escape artists and performers displaying skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all in front of a studio audience. Magicians featured in this episode include Farrell Dillon (Table of Spikes), Barry and Stuart (Celebrity Pick), Jonathan Pendragon (Interlude), Draven/Naathan Phan (Dueling Blockheads), Adam Wylie (Prohibition), Eric Jones (Trick With Four Kings), Jibrizy (Sugar Packet) and Greg Gleason (Helicopter). (#409). Original airdate 8/11/2017.

To view performance highlights of the August 3rd Encore Presentation episode from 8:30 - 9:00 p.m., please visit: https://vimeo.com/user4830612/review/227985419/7307e8aa2a

Please note, the television show, "Masters of Illusion" will be preempted on Friday, July 27, 2018 from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. in several U.S. cities due to sporting events. As a result, "Masters of Illusion" will be broadcast instead in New York, NY on WPIX on Saturday, August 4, 2018 from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.; in Harrisburg, PA on WHP-D3 on Friday, August 3, 2018 from 10:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m.; in Wilkes Barre, PA on WSWB on Friday, August 3, 2018 from 10:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.; and in Syracuse, NY on WSTQ on Saturday, August 4, 2018 from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.

Dean Cain, host of Masters of Illusion, is an actor, producer and writer. Cain also appears in the hit CW series, "Supergirl," in which he plays the role of Supergirl's adoptive father, Jeremiah Danvers. Other upcoming projects include the documentary film, "Hate Among Us" (Executive Producer), and as an actor, "Gosnell," "2050" and "Angry Men." Most recently he executive produced, along with Montel Williams, the critically acclaimed documentary film, "Architects of Denial." His breakthrough performance as an actor was in the dual roles of Superman/Clark Kent in the television series "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman."

The roster of award-winning magicians from around the world appearing in Season Five of Masters of Illusion is a virtual who's who in the field of magic.
Adam Wilber (New Durham, NH), www.adamwilber.com, .@AdamWilber
Andi Gladwin (Gloucester, UK), www.illusionist.co.uk, .@WhoIsAndi
Bill Cook (Chicago, IL), www.billcookmagic.com, .@billcookmagic
Billy Kidd (London, UK), www.billykiddshow.com, .@billykiddshow
Chipper Lowell (Fullerton, CA), www.chipperlowellexperience.com, .@chipperlowell
Chris Funk (The Wonderist) (Winnipeg, Canada), www.chrisfunkmagic.com, .@chrisfunkmagic, https://plus.google.com/+chrisfunkmagician-thewonderist
Chris Korn (Los Angeles, CA), www.chriskorn.com, .@kornkeezie
Chris Randall (Las Vegas, NV), https://www.facebook.com/ChrisRandallMagician/
Ed Alonzo (The Misfit of Magic) (Toluca Lake, CA), www.edalonzo.com, .@edalonzomagic
Eric Jones (Philadelphia, PA), www.ericjonesmagic.com, https://www.facebook.com/ericjonesprestidigitator
Farrell Dillon (Las Vegas, NV and Boise, ID), www.farrelldillon.com, .@FarrellfarrellX
George Iglesias (Lima, Peru), www.MagoGeorge.com, .@MagoGeorgeOf
Greg Frewin (Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada), www.gregfrewintheatre.com, .@GF_Theatre
Greg Gleason (Las Vegas, NV), www.gleasonmagic.com, #GregGleason
Henok Negash (Hollywood, CA), www.bowtiemagician.com, http://www.facebook.com/bowtiemagician/
Jarrett & Raja (Jarrett Parker and Raja Rahman from Las Vegas, NV), www.jarrettandraja.com, .@jarrettandraja
Jason Bird (Las Vegas, NV), www.magicofjasonbird.com, .@jasonbirdmagic
Jason Bishop (Philadelphia, PA), www.thejasonbishopshow.com, .@JasonBishop
Jeki Yoo (South Korea and North Hollywood, CA), www.jekiyoo.com, http://www.instgram.com/jekiyoo, http://www.facebook.com/jekiyoomagic
Jibrizy (West Hollywood, CA), www.jibrizy.com, .@jibrizy
Joel Meyers (Los Angeles, CA), www.meyersmagic.com, .@joelmeyersmagic
Joseph Gabriel (Las Vegas, NV), www.gabrielmagic.com
Joseph Réohm (Los Angeles, CA), www.josephreohm.com, .@josephreohm
Joshua Jay (New York, NY), www.joshuajay.com, .@joshuajaymagic
Keelan Leyser & Matt Daniel-Baker (London, UK), www.keelanleyser.co.uk
Les Arnold & Dazzle (Les Arnold and Alex Arnold, Long Beach, CA), www.lesarnoldanddazzle.com, #LesArnoldAndDazzle
Michael Grandinetti (Los Angeles, CA), www.michaelgrandinetti.com, @GrandinettiMG, #michaelgrandinetti, www.facebook.com/Grandinetti.Michael
Murray SawChuck (Las Vegas, NV), www.murraymagic.com, .@MurraySawChuck, www.facebook.com/MurrayFanPage
Naathan Phan (Las Vegas, NV and Orange, CA), www.magicasianman.com, .@naathanphan
Nathan Burton (Las Vegas, NV), www.nathanburton.com, .@NathanBurtonCM
Noora Karma (Helsinki, Finland), http://www.noorakarma.fi
Rick Smith Jr. (Cleveland, OH), https://www.facebook.com/RickSmithJrpage/, .@RickSmithJr1
R.J. Cantu (Las Vegas, NV), www.rjcantu.com, .@cantumagic, .@rjcan2
Shoot Ogawa (Tokyo, Japan and Simi Valley, CA), http://www.holyshoot.com
Spidey (Montreal, Canada), www.spideymagic.com, .@spideyhypnosis
Titou (Baptiste Molard) (Paris, France and Las Vegas, NV), http://titoumagic.com, https://www.facebook.com, .@MagicianTitou, https://www.instgram.com/titoumagician/
Tommy Wind (Las Vegas, NV), www.tommywindmagic.com, .@tommywind
Xavier Mortimer (Las Vegas, NV), http://xaviermortimer.com/blog, .@xaviermortimer
Young-Min Kim (Alchemist) (South Korea)

Masters of Illusion is produced by Associated Television International with returning Executive Producers David McKenzie ("The 38th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards," "Marie"), Gay Blackstone ("The World Magic Awards" 2007-2009), David Martin ("The World Magic Awards" 2007-2009, "Marie"), and Al Schwartz ("The 38th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards," "The Golden Globe Awards" 2013 and 2014), along with Co-Executive Producer Jim Romanovich ("From Rocky To Creed," "The 38th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards").

Associated Television International (ATI) is an Emmy Award-winning company that has been the world's largest producer of magic for both stage and screen for over three decades. ATI's television series, specials and feature films have aired on all U.S. broadcast networks, major cable channels and with television partners all over the world. Current series in production include: "The Hollywood Christmas Parade," "Masters of Illusion," and the Emmy Award-nominated "Laura McKenzie's Traveler."

ATI has also been Emmy Award-nominated for its various television specials and series. For more information, please visit www.associatedtelevision.com

To view a Sizzle Reel of Season Five of Masters of Illusion on The CW, please visit: https://vimeo.com/user4830612/review/274173555/0699e86ee2

To learn more about Masters of Illusion, please visit http://www.cwtv.com/shows/masters-of-illusion/
Network with us at https://www.facebook.com/cwmastersofillusion

13. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
www.magicnewzealand.com click on the red button centre right "Archives"

When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)

14. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy.

You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com

Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.

The opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E- zine.

Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.

Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted.

Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted.

All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

© Copyright 2018 Alan Watson QSM

Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

Our subscriber list is not made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at www.magicnewzealand.com Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday. The opinions expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSMvouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine. Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions expressed therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2018 Alan Watson QSM.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine